
Windows 8 to support phone functionality

Windows 8 to support phone functionality, will probably make it to smaller tablets as well

Despite all the Windows 8 demo videos that we saw over the past few days there still seem to be major features in the new OS that we don’t know about. Like telephony, for example. Yeap, Microsoft’s shiny new platform is likely going to support voice calls, which will make it suitable for voice-enabled tablets.

The information comes from the screenshot above, which features a missed calls pane in its Metro UI. And that could be used for some VoIP services, so you shouldn’t get all too enthusiastic about it just yet.

However, if it does what we hope it does it will make new OS even more versatile, with possible use on smaller slates that also double as oversized phones. I don’t know about you, but the thought of a 5 or 6-inch full-touch device with a fully-functional desktop OS and telephony sure sounds intriguing to me.


