

GSMArena.com under DDoS attack, please bear with us

You might have experienced some performance hiccups with GSMArena.com over the past 48 hours. We have been under a massive DDoS attack in that time and while we are doing our best to keep the servers alive further problems accessing the site are still likely.

The attack involves over 20000 zombie computers so far, which in the first 24 hours alone sent more requests than we have received for the past 10 years combined.

We are doing all we can to stop the attack and we are glad that currently we are able to serve our real visitors almost normally.

If you have been blocked recently when trying to access www.gsmarena.com, then it’s very likely that your computer has been infected and is a part of a botnet. In such cases we recommend that you install some antivirus/antimalware software, update its virus definitions and perform a full system scan.

We have to admit that we are rather surprised by the attack as we haven’t published any controversial articles over the past week. We suspect that the whole thing might be an accident and we kindly ask the fine gentlemen in the botnet business to check out if they didn’t misdirect one of their attacks.

And to our dear readers: Thank you for staying with us in these dark times!

Note: blog.GSMArena.com is located on a different server so it hasn’t been affected by the attack so far.

Image courtesy of DDoSInfo.com

