
Google Maps updates with higher resolution images and adds 45 degree view as well

Google Maps updates with higher resolution images and adds 45 degree view as well

Google has updated their maps platform to include higher-detailed satellite imagery, as well as a new 45° view mode.

It has covered 51 cities initially, including the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, and the State Capitol building in Austin, Texas.

Of the 51 cities, 37 are scattered across the US, so be sure to check out some great American landmarks.

While 45° view is not a novelty for online maps (Bing Maps have had Bird’s Eye mode for quite a while), it seems that Google is trying to get in a few punches against the competition, in light of Apple’s recent maps debacle.

The cities which Google lists as having higher resolution satellite maps available are far too numerous to list here, but you can get a find a full list by following our source link.

Let us know if your area is among those updated.


